+91 9327041987
Our Services

Official, Verified, Global Trade Data

We Assemble and Publish the World’s Trade Data

At Origin Konnect, we deliver the world’s most accurate statistics– and the insights you need to master global trade. Whether you’re in government, corporate strategy, manufacturing, analysis, law, or part of an international organization, our dedication to accurate, verified, and comprehensive data empowers you to make well-informed decisions that lead to success.

We at Origin Konnect apply the latest techniques to provide the right and accurate information on exports and imports. We are the most trusted information network globally for Exim Community, transforming billions of data points into meaningful insights. Our Company also helps you to make your export and import business more profitable.

Our Services

Explore Our Data Services

Broad Range of Country Datasets

Our exclusive resource management team provides up-to-date and versatile data from critical locations around the world that empower your decision-making with essential insights and information.

Easy to Understand Deep Analysis

We use bespoke layered visualizations for diving deep into our country and logistics statistics so your team can get indispensable data analysis and reporting with graphical support.

Most Accurate Information

All of our datasets are quality controlled by layers of inspection before it ever reaches your platform. This helps us maintain a high reliability our clients have come to trust on Origin Konnect data analytics tool.

Easy Searching with Instant Results

Our advanced technology and communication systems allow instantaneous searching with engaging downloads that inform your next decision or application.Our support team is available 24/7.

Clean User Interface

Our workspace allows multiple dashboards that save your previous searches with an easy-to-use cleaning system to free up valuable device resources.We are happy to provide a complete guided tour of your dashboard

Customizable Plans

We are proud to offer different plans and subscription levels to meet your unique needs and business exporting/importing challenges.we have hirable account managers ready for any task you may have with your chosen plan.


Gaining Market Insights

Gain the competitive edge with market intelligence accessible in a dozen languages and fifty currencies. Stay ahead of the competition by gaining access to trade insights long before they do. Our carefully curated databases provide user-friendly sorting and readability, enhanced with tariff codes, values, weights, prices, and, where available, specific port and region information.

  • Micro-level visual detailing and interval based projections over your filtered trade data collections derive market intelligence which is unparalleled elsewhere.
  • Portraying the supply chain hierarchy between buyers and sellers of products and goods, presenting the distribution of market share that they govern, classifying the trade history over statistical intervals, etc are the gateway to exploiting the rich data insights hidden deep in your data collections.